Lent 2025 Day 18: Tue 25 Mar

Lent 2025 Day 18: Tue 25 Mar

Luke 6:12-16

12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: 14 Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, 15 Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, 16 Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.

This and tomorrow’s readings are largely the same. Jesus chooses the Twelve. After a night spent alone in prayer on a mountain, Jesus comes down and announces the names of those he has chosen as his apostles. Luke uses this word to distinguish the Twelve from the rest of the disciples.

There are plenty of theological comments relating to the number 12, and some are interesting. Perhaps the picture of the 12 tribes of Israel carries some significance, but I’d like to ponder more on what might have been going on in Jesus’ head, heart and spirit during that night before he came down. 

Did he have a list of all those who were following him, and evaluate their pros and cons (as we often do when a choice has to be made), in order to pick out a team that would cover all the necessary skills expected of an apostle? I don’t think so. 

Did he look for people with mature and developed social skills? Hardly! Did he look for learned types or intelligent people who could sustain an argument or argue a case? No way!

He didn’t put out an advert, or employ head-hunters, and it seems he didn’t spend a great time observing the disciples in their internship before picking them (although it’s not until chapter 13 in Matthew’s gospel that the complete list is revealed).

The group he picked contained hotheads, self-seekers, cowards, doubters and, to be honest, some who hardly get further mention after being picked.

What a bunch! Hardly a dream team. And then there’s that apostle who’s number twelve in every gospel-writer’s list…

Why did Jesus choose so many unsuitable people?

What do you think he really knew about the people he chose?

Did he know about number 12 in the list?

Father God, your ways are perfect, and you choose to use the likes of me to partner in those purposes. I am not fit for the task, but You know that, yet You desire to use me and You have called me. In You through Jesus I have completeness and am the perfect person for the role You have assigned me. Give me faith, I pray, to be that person. Amen.

1:09:16 Ach! Nun ist mein Jesus hin (Arie) 

30. Aria A (Chorus I) and Chorus II

Alas, now my Jesus is gone!

– Where, then, has your beloved gone,

O most beautiful among women? –

Is it possible, can I behold it?

– Which way has your beloved turned? –

Alas! my lamb in the claws of a tiger;

Alas! Where has my Jesus gone?

– We will seek him with you. –

Alas! What shall I say to the soul,

when she asks me anxiously:

Alas! Where has my Jesus gone?

31. Evangelist But after they had arrested Jesus, they brought him to the High Priest Caiaphas, where the scribes and the elders had gathered. Peter, however, followed him from afar to the palace of the high priest, and went inside and sat with the servants, so he could see how it came out. The high priests, however, and the elders, and the entire council sought false witness against Jesus, so that they could put him to death, and found none.

Ends at 1:13:34
