Advent 2024 Daily Reflections – Carols

Advent 2024 Daily Reflections – Carols

Starting Sunday 1 December

Dear Friends,

I will be emailing a set of daily reflections for Advent. Christmas is celebrated in song, and we might like to ponder on some of them over the days of Advent. Christmas songs can be sacred or secular – White Christmas is a wonderful Christmas song, but you would not expect it to have a place in a Carol Service – not all carols found in carol books can be considered suitable, either. We may meet one or two of these. As I’ll be featuring carols the usual Scripture references won’t be there and there will be fewer questions and just the one prayer at the end.

If you’d like to download the complete set of reflections as a PDF file then click on this link on our website – use the download icon (folder and arrow) on the middle right in the title bar of the viewer to take your own copy. Perhaps you might like to pass on the link or forward the emails to anyone you feel may benefit from reading them.

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With Blessings,

